UAPs Unveiled: Navigating the Mystery of UFOs


Well if there is a…Look at that thing! It’s rotating. Strange objects have been seen. 

But much of the conversation around UFOs has been confined to science fiction movies and novels, such as the 1982 hit E.T.

It has happened again. For the third day in a row, and the fourth time in jU.S.t nine days, the United States has shot down an unidentified high-flying object.

In an attempt to be more transparent and address potential national security questions, the government has taken up the charge to publicize and legitimize the study of unidentified anomaloU.S.

phenomena, or UAPs, as the military has rebranded UFOs. A 2022 UAP report published by U.S.

UFO history

Here is another UFO bulletin. The Defense Department has just announced that the unidentified flying object has suddenly disappeared from our radar screens.

Hotspots include the Middle East, the coast off of China and Korea, and along both coasts of the U.S.

Out of those, over 700 remain unidentified. Just take a minute to go back to the origin story of the UFOs, which is Roswell, 1947.

And the government didn’t want that program public. And so a military spokesman actually spoke to the local press and used the phrase ‘flying saucer’ and then you’re off to the races.

The Air Force interest in this problem has been due to our feeling of an obligation to identify and analyze, to the best of our ability.

The U.S. is not the only country to take UFOs seriously. A number of South American nations, including Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru all have government programs that study and investigate UFO activity.

In France, the French space agency has been studying UFOs since 1977. The modern era of UFOs being in the news pretty much started in 2017, when the New York Times leaked, and then the Defense Department admitted to them, these three Navy videos that were quite striking, showing objects moving apparently at very fast speeds and in erratic ways that the pilots didn’t understand.

And that’s sort of opened up the box, if you like. And then the government had to take it seriously.

Oversight of UFOs

In response to mounting public pressure, a flurry of government activity over the last few years has been aimed at demystifying UAPs.

 In June of 2021, the office of the Director of National Intelligence released a preliminary report on UAPs.

This was followed in November by the Pentagon establishing a group to identify and track objects in restricted airspace.

Meanwhile, Congress has sought its own answers. During a July hearing, Congress heard testimony from three former military officials about their experience with UAPs.

Grusch went on to say that he had interviewed individuals who had recovered non-human biologics from crashed UAPs.

The Pentagon has denied such claims. Experts are also wary. I’m not going to attribute bad intentions to David Grusch, but it was anecdotal.

I mean, if you looked at his actual statement, he was talking about someone he knew who told him that this existed. It was second hand.

So however dramatic it was, it’s not going to be persuasive. Former Navy pilot Ryan Graves also testified. Here he is talking about an incident he experienced in 2014 near Virginia Beach.

Though initially conceived as a tool to educate the public and Congress on UAPs, the organization’s function has expanded.

So at pilots and others can go, they can submit their experiences. And we have relationships on Capitol Hill as well as in the Pentagon, where we can bring these cases for further investigation across official channels.

The DoD now has its own website to publicly share declassified information and videos of UAPs.

The website will also eventually allow current and former U.S. government employees, service members, and contractors to submit reports regarding UAPs directly to ARRO. The DoD plans to open the reporting mechanism to the public as well.

Further study

While further study of UAPs is necessary for both matters of national security as well as the advancement of science, experts say it’s going to be a difficult undertaking.

I’m not sure the government has figured out a way to deal with the potential fire hose of, you know, 300 million Americans reporting strange things they see in the sky.

And the reporting rate and the number of incidents will go up dramatically because everyone’s heightened awareness of this issue.

They’re not exceptional, they’re not strange. And you don’t really want to be inundated with that.

Another obstacle that the government and those trying to study unidentified objects face is combating the stigma associated with UFOs.

We’ve been kind of ingratiated into the little green man and UFO conversation due to media and whatnot for quite a while.

It was very brutal and very unfortunate. Some of the tactics they used to hurt me both professionally and and personally, to be quite frank.

NASA has said that the scientists it tasked with studying UAPs also faced harassment.

If you ask me, do I believe there’s life in a universe that is so vast that it’s hard for me to comprehend how big it is? My personal answer is yes.

It’s hard for me to imagine that we’re completely alone in this universe, and that’s part of the difficulty in this conversation.

It’s it’s hard to deal with an unknown when we have such little information. Und that’s why gathering new information is just so important right now.

To tackle this issue, the organization plans to use its own highly-calibrated instruments to gather more detailed data.

NASA also plans to utilize AI and machine learning to search the skies for anomalies. The public can also help.

There’s a wealth of data that a cell phone takes, and you can imagine designing apps that make the images relatively tamper free.

In the meantime, we may just have to be patient. I suggest that people, the media as well, just be uncomfortable with the uncertainty for a while.

Anomalies in the history of science often tell you something very important. That your theories are incomplete, or there’s some whole new world of reality that you haven’t understood.

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